Dark Chocolate May Help Prevent Some Types Of Cancer

Cocoa and dark chocolate contain compounds that may help prevent cancer.
Cocoa and dark chocolate contain compounds that may help prevent cancer.
Cocoa and dark chocolate contain compounds that may help prevent cancer by many ways, including preventing DNA damage, lowering inflammation, and inhibiting cell proliferation. Experimental evidence shows that cocoa can lower the risk of some types. Most importantly, some human trials show that cocoa can reduce activation of molecules that are involved in the development and progression of cancer. Continue reading Dark Chocolate May Help Prevent Some Types Of Cancer

Dark Chocolate could enhance Athletic Performance

The consumption of dark chocolate could enhance athletic endurance performance.
The consumption of dark chocolate could enhance athletic endurance performance.
Dark chocolate has already been hailed for its positive effects on cardiovascular health – and now a study undertaken at London’s Kingston University has found the tasty treat could help give sports enthusiasts an extra athletic edge in their fitness training. Continue reading Dark Chocolate could enhance Athletic Performance