Sephra Cocoa Powder is 100% pure cocoa and contains 22-24% fat – nearly twice the amount of regular Cocoa powder. Discover why your customers will love you for it!
Continue reading Why Sephra Cocoa Powder is such a versatile baking ingredientTag: Bean
The Rise of the Chocolate Snob
First it was wine lovers, then the Aeropress-wielding coffee fans. Ahead of the Valentine’s chocolate feast, our reporter discovers a new breed of devotees. Continue reading The Rise of the Chocolate Snob
A Chocolate Odyssey
Akhil Sharma travels to Mexico and Guatemala in search of the past, and future, of chocolate. Continue reading A Chocolate Odyssey
How to be a Chocolate Snob!
Chocolate is the new wine and coffee, but you’ll need a masterclass to figure out flavour notes and pinpoint the provenance of the bean. Continue reading How to be a Chocolate Snob!